In time of war;
Angels can play a role ,
In place of fear ;
God will be always near ,
In life when plans turns to water ;
Is like you lost somebody’s daughter ,
Red is the blood like tide in river ;
When hearts turn to rocks
There will be no way to turn
Only love can make it’s sense
The Love connect’s dots;
In green fields of roses that’s feed the lovers ;
None of their powers can deny the healing
It’s the secret magic that leave no scars
In names been written ;
On pages that’s been forgotten ,
Before even born and start in corn ,
Angels are around when you make a sound ;
Sound of the voice been hidden ,
They are there know what it been said without you make any sounds or hear them around ,
Make a wish Or think of magic trick ;
You know that your wish is your command ,
You know that your love inside of your heart has arrived to a safe side dancing like blue whales in deep sea ,
Let’s make quick ride ;
we shall see and look around ;
Here goes the wheel that made of gold ;
Start running all over again ,
Make glory shine ;
Leave the rest to God with his secret plan ,
You said the words ;
Your dreams becomes true ;
And God said you are a magic world inside of you ;
Can’t be end ;
Infinity works can’t be fade,
Like pearls comes from shells over and over again or a tree in magic colours stand forever .